Adam (Dekker Thriller)

Adam (Dekker Thriller) - Ted Dekker Ted Dekker is in a league of his own when it comes to Christian fiction. His books have gotten rave reviews from both Christian and secular places, something that has been rarely achieved in recent years. When I first read Dekker's "Black," I thought it was amazing. His other works--minus the ones co-written with Erin Healy--were, at worst, somewhat good. This one was some ways. As usual for Ted's works, his storytelling is masterful. It was quite creepy throughout, which is appropriate, given the subject matter. The only bad thing I can say about it is that the formatting--at least, in the trade paperback version I read--was not good. The prose was easily readable, but there were magazine articles interspersed throughout the book that had black print on a medium gray background, as well an an illustration that was indecipherable because of its diminuitive size. Maybe the hardcover version didn't have that problem; I don't know. If you can forgive that unfortunate problem, this is still a good read.